Robots Blossom – Project Update 015
Lighting, Rendering, Color Grading
I expect a lot of folks are like me, they like tools that can get the job done and even better if those tools are free. Enter Audacity.
I mentioned in a previous post that I had recorded all the lines of dialogue in Audacity. Now it’s time to clean up the audio and apply the voice effects. The thing is, for my animated short, Robot Eyes, I had created the voice effect I wanted but neglected to write down the final recipe of settings I used to get there!!! Rats!
I followed the tutorial noted below to get the basic voice in place but then tweaked it further to get the sound I wanted. At the time, I was in one of those modes of ‘just try this, just try that’ then all of a sudden, success. And so, without the recipe from Robot Eyes, I spent a lot of extra time today trying to re-create the magic. I got pretty close but I think I may need to re-record the dialogue lines to get the result I want.
The screenshot below is from Audacity, another program I am not an expert in. You can see lots of snippet tracks. I had started out doing one take per track. Finally, I just started doing multiple takes on one track with pauses in between. This way, I was able to stay in character while trying different variations for dialogue delivery.
Artificial Intelligence/Construct Voice Effect in Audacity
I ran through quite a number of robot voice tutorials before I came across this one. Many of the tutorials were for plugins or the end effect was not what I wanted. These steps are sort of the no muss, no fuss approach and the end result was closer to what I wanted.
Lighting, Rendering, Color Grading
Animating, Rendering, Color Grading
Layout, Lighting