Halloween Ep1 – Project Update 003

Project Setup, Screenwriting, Look Development

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Master Landscape Material Setup

I am continuing setup for my next animation project in Unreal Engine 5. I loaded more assets into my project, tested out a small animation piece and started creating my master landscape material. See the tutorial I followed below for the landscape material setup.

I also made progress on my screenwriting, shot list and asset list. 

It looks like I may get 3 animation stories out of this project setup. Two of them I expect will be short, 10-30 seconds each and the third may end up being a minute or so. I don’t have to have all the environment elements in place to shoot the shorter animation stories so hopefully, I can complete them very soon.

The screenshot below shows my Quixel Megascans Favorites. I love that Quixel Bridge is tightly integrated into UE5. I spent time today collecting my surface assets and started the master landscape material setup. I will finish the setup in the morning and possibly even build out some landscape. reen

I Heart You Quixel Megascans

Screenshot of Megascans Materials


New Megascans Landscape Blend Material in Unreal Engine 4
This is a straightforward Unreal Engine tutorial from MR3D-Dev that will show you how to set up a landscape master material to be used to paint surfaces in Landscape Mode. This set up is specific to using Quixel Megascans material which is great because you repurpose material nodes from your downloaded Megascans Surfaces. The tutorial is in Unreal Engine 4.26 or 4.27 but works in UE5 as well. The difference I noticed is in the Megascans material nodes. The material setup continues to be optimized by the Megascans team so it looks a little different in UE5. It does look close enough to the tutorial that you should be able to follow along.
