Halloween Ep1 – Project Update 004

Look Development

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Applying Landscape Surface Options

Today was a chance to apply some surface options in my scene for my animated short using Unreal Engine 5. I completed the set up of my master landscape material and put a bunch of surface options in the layers with tint nodes for each layer. This way I can even out the look of the surfaces and evaluate them in my working lighting and my nighttime environment lighting. 

The screenshot below shows all of the surface options with no tinting applied. I haven’t made any tiling adjustments either. The one exception is the main surface layer. I applied a tint to darken the surface and adjusted the tiling.

See my previous post for the tutorial I followed by MR3D-Dev. The surface are all from Quixel Megascans.

I Heart You Quixel Megascans

Unreal Engine 5 Landscape Material Surface Options
