Halloween Ep1 – Project Update 002

Project Setup, Screenwriting, Look Development

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Humble Beginnings, Again

My main story concept for my next animated short is in place. I still need to do a quick bullet list of the scenes, create a shot list, write the dialog and create an asset list. I don’t need much since this project is meant to be less than a 30 second runtime and a faster turnaround than my last project, Robots Blossom. I plan to get a minimum of one Halloween themed animation published but am hoping for three before Halloween arrives.

I spent the day scanning through some tutorials that I think I may need for this animation project. I will post the tutorials I end up using along the way. One of the tutorials, see below, is one that I have referenced previously for creating ray traced exterior lighting. It’s a fan-darn-tastic tutorial I tell you! I also added a few more of the assets I will be using in Unreal Engine 5.

Tomorrow I plan to set up my landscape master material, my control rig for a biped character and set up a camera. I may get some other control rigs set up for some other characters that are not biped.

The screenshot below shows the night time environment lighting initial pass and a lonely piece of ground from the Dark Forest created by Dave Berg. I am looking forward to using this environment pack!


Environment Art

Dark Forest – created by Dave Berg

Nighttime in Unrealville

Screenshot Unreal Engine 5 Night Lighting Setup


Introduction and Overview to Ray Traced Cinematic Lighting For Exteriors
I’ve mentioned this tutorial previously. It’s time to go back to the well. This round, I am focused on the chapter specific to night exterior lighting.
The instructor, William Faucher, also has a top notch YouTube channel. He puts together extremely informative tutorials and does a great job of posting fresh content that keeps pace with the changes that come with new UE5 updates.