Robots Blossom – Project Update 011


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Starting Next Animation Pass

I had some animation fine tuning to do for an idle animation sequence in Unreal Engine 5. I was able to work the sequence into a reasonably smooth looping animation I can extend throughout the scene. I have one more primary animation sequence to work through then it’s on to syncing jaw movement with dialogue and then finally the eye animation. So far, what I have found when working with morph targets is that this work comes last once all of the skeletal keyframe animation is complete.

The screenshot is from UE5. The shot is from a running sequence in the upcoming animated short. This lighting setup lives on a separate level so I can switch to it from the cinematic lighting setup while I work on animation details.


Character Art

Iron Robots Pack – created by leshiy3d

Environment Art

Cherry Tree – Sakura – created by Naked Singularity. This artist also has environments and assets available on ArtStation. Check out Medieval Gothic Cathedral – Modular Pack.

Environment Materials and Props – created by Quixel Megascans

Animation Packs

Screenshot Extreme Close Up Shot

Screenshot of Animation Work ECU Shot in Unreal Engine 5